Backed by seasoned entrepreneurs and CEOs

Andrew Saltoun
Former CEO, Integra Partners
Scaled revenue and EBITDA by 400%

Noah Riner
Ex-CEO @ NeuroInternational, Navy Vet
Grew company from 90 to 550 employees

Kevin Taweel
Co-founder & Chairman, Asurion
Took company from 40 to 22,000 employees

GJ King
Former President, RIA in a Box
Grew company’s value by >80x

Ryan Robinson
Ex-Chairman & President, OnRamp

Rich Kelley
Founder, Search Fund Partners
3x Operator & NBA Player

Rick Taketa
Former CEO, York Risk Services Group
Scaled York to one of the largest insurance TPAs

Kent Weaver
Chairman, Progressive Home Care

Steuart Botchford
CEO, Circle Surrogacy

Stephen Holbrook
President & COO, Nutrishare

Luka Salamunic
CEO, Triyam

Mario Sicilia Benard
Founder, Cerralvo Capital & 2x CEO
Scaled business to a 5x return for investors


Granite Point Partners
Saltoun Capital